Monday, 29 October 2012

Alone in the World

Thousands see and smile
Hundreds say a hi
Yet I'm alone in the world
men shake hands
while their eyes look pockets
they warmly embrace
but they concerned on their race
why did I not perish at birth
am I not even dear for death
I have mine no one own
I’m alone in hundred
I’m alone in thousand

--kum kum

Heart ache

I turned fifty five
I slipped into a pool
not into a water pool 
but I slipped into pool of memories

I was twenty five then
I was travelling in train
due to this age drain
I forgot from where and when

to my front there sat a lady
she was as good as snow
her smile shared a silent relation with wind

Oh, I fell in love with her
her eyes welcomed the warmth of my love
as if asking me to sit beside her

after a long lapse, now I regret
for daring not then
even now every night
my heart aches for her
still my soul pants for her

--kum kum

Monday, 22 October 2012

Sorry My Friend

From all the ones I have known
you were the one who touched my heart the most
and from all the ones I have known
you were the one who inspired me the most
my heart says that my behaving is new
I loved you my friend that’s all I knew
then I let my emotions explode
and I did something stupid
I offended you like no other did
I regret the words I said
I am asking for forgiveness
all that I want is your forgiveness
I will to wait eternity
if that is what I have to wait

--kum kum